Other Procedures
Dr Perera provides consultation and management of a range of other general surgical procedures. These include:
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
A diagnostic laparoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon will perform the procedure by inserting surgical instruments through small 5-10mm incisions. A small tube containing a camera called a laparoscope will then be inserted into the abdomen and used to transmit images into a monitor for the surgeon to view. A diagnostic laparoscopy is performed to inspect and obtain diagnostic samples in patients with pain or abnormal growths in the abdomen or pelvis that cannot be ascertained through imaging.
Anorectal Procedures
This includes the management of perianal abscesses and fistulas. Perianal abscess involve infection in obstructed glands in the anus, which can sometimes extend to form a tract between the skin and the anus (fistula). Management includes incision and drainage of abscess, seton insertion and fistulotomy.
Pilonidal Cyst Removal Surgery
What is a Pilonidal Cyst?
A pilonidal cyst is a cyst filled with hair and skin debris that forms at the bottom of your tailbone. Initially, this could present as an infection or abscess. This needs to be treated with antibiotics and surgery.
Due to hair in the cavity, the condition may not completely heal. Some people may get repeated infections and some may develop discharge from an opening of the cavity onto the skin, called a sinus. The initial management for a pilonidal cyst is conservative management, which involves keeping the area clean, Sitz baths and antibiotics. However, if it does not resolve with non-operative management it may require surgery to remove the offending sinuses and cysts.
How do I prepare for the clinic visit?
The pilonidal disease can present as an acute or chronic infection. Dr Ruwan Perera has extensive experience in performing simple operations and complex procedures to manage pilonidal disease, including performing complicated flap repairs. This surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The recovery time after surgery depends on the procedure type and if you need stitches. In some cases, it could be a few weeks.